Historical anecdotes about moles, told by Alain Baraton

The Prince of Orange, William III of England (1650-1702), died as a result of a fall from his horse: the latter stumbled against a molehill (made by the mole), throwing him off his horse and causing his rider to fall to his death.

The second historical anecdote about moles, recounted by Alain Baraton, is that the molekeeper at the Château de Versailles, M. Liard, had his own lodgings, where he organized parties with women of lesser virtue. When Napoleon discovered him, he dismissed him on the spot…

Today, the company Taupe Green uses the same traditional and ecological mole trapping technique.

Taupier 77, professional mole hunter in Seine et marne, Ile de France…… Chateau de Fontainbleau

Very significant damage at the Chateau de Fontainbleau (mole 77), getting rid of these “cursed” moles can then become the obsession of gardeners !

Where do moles live? in moist, cool soil, rich in earthworms, as here in Seine et Marne at the Chateau de Fontaibleau.

This subterranean animal is amazing, both for its predatory intelligence and for its energy (did you know that the word “bosser” comes from the hump created by the molehill?).